Friday, February 15, 2008

2/14 Catching up

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Unfortunately, when you are dealing with a newborn like my wife and I are these days, there is very little time for anything else other than changing and feeding the little one. So, we decided that the best present we can give to each other this year is... NAP TIME! Yup, a few hours free from the baby sounds mighty attractive right about now. The heck with flowers and chocolate, give me something that I can really enjoy!

In any case, hope everyone enjoys the day, and the long holiday weekend coming up! Speaking of which...

A reminder that classes will not be in session next Monday, 2/18/08 in observance of President's Day. All other offices on campus, including the Haas building, will be closed as well.

For first year evening students, however, you will have a makeup class next Tuesday, 2/19/08 in the Wells Fargo Room. And for those of you taking the Santa Clara shuttle, we have already ordered an additional shuttle for that night in anticipation of the increased number of students coming up for the makeup class.

Back by popular demand, we are having our "semi-annual" book sale at the EWMBA Program Office. If you've been eyeing one of the millions of textbooks that's been scattering about our office these past few weeks, now is your chance to purchase your copy. All books will be for sale starting next Wednesday - Saturday. Prices will be available when you stop by next week.

Make sure to bring your checkbook with you though, since we will not be able to accept cash or any other form of payment.

We're back at Santa Clara this week, so it's another week where you don't have to worry about parking attendants and all that other good stuff. Hopefully everyone's got their classrooms figured out by now? I don't want to hear anybody asking us where "Pricing" is in the afternoon, OK?! ;)

Here are the birthday boys and girls for this week:

Priya Halasyam, February 14

Srikanth Jujare, February 15

Ava Malla, February 15

Chunyi Zhang, February 17

Stanley Chan, February 18

Maxim Chernikov, February 18

David Lee, February 18

Reiko Yoshida, February 18

Ilya Klets, February 19

Rudramahesh Rugge, February 19

So, who's up for some free software? If you are, look no further than through our very own UC Berkeley campus. Did you know that there is a "Software Central" website that is available to all UC Berkeley students. All you need is your CalNet ID and passphrase, and you're in! While you won't be able to get Photoshop for free, there are plenty of other useful software on this site that you can download free of charge:

That's it from me!
Siu Yung WongAssistant DirectorHaas School of BusinessEvening & Weekend MBA Program(510) 643-0592

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