I hope everyone had a great winter break. There is a lot of information below about the Spring 08 semester, and information on summer courses as well.
Spring 08 Academic Calendarhttp://www.haas.berkeley.edu/EWMBA/SPR08CAL.html
NOTE: There are no classes on Monday, 1/21, due to the Martin Luther King holiday.
Spring 08 Saturday Location Schedulehttp://www.haas.berkeley.edu/EWMBA/SPR08SAT.htm
Updated Spring 08 Elective Class Schedulehttp://www.haas.berkeley.edu/EWMBA/SP08elec.pdf
For those interested in adding to the Mergers & Acquisitions course, the instructor has forwarded the following comment:
The M&A class is oversubscribed, and it is likely that there will be some backing and filling after the first class on January 24th. In order to qualify for enrollment, students must attend the first two classes and submit the first assignment due on February 4th on time to qualify for subsequent placement. No exceptions.
For those interested in adding to the Business Law class, please be aware that the first class will not take place until 2/2.
Changes in the Schedule Since Bidding
EW224A-1 Mgrl Acctg, EW264-1 Hi-Tech Mktg, and EW295I-1 Entrepreneurship Wkshp have been cancelled due to low enrollment.
There is a new 1 unit course, EW267-4 Marketing in Web 2.0. You can find out all the details about this course by clicking on the course number in the course information table that contains all the course descriptions (link below).
We’ve made some room swaps, so see the link below for the latest classroom assignments.
Classrooms and Course DescriptionsThis link takes you to the course information, including the latest classroom assignments and links to course descriptions (click on the course number):https://ssl.haas.berkeley.edu/groups/adaa/class_schedule/cgi-bin/CourseScheduleDisplay.pl?Show=1&Semester=Spring&Year=2008
Adding and Dropping ClassesThe following link outlines how and when to add and drop classes:http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/EWMBA/addrop.htm
You cannot log into the EWMBA Add/Drop Waitlists through the On-Line Registrar (OLR) until Round 1 begins at 9AM on 1/22.
ALL classes will have an on-line waitlist, including 1-unit courses, and you can see the availability when you log in.
If you did not change your OLR password during bidding, your password should still be at the default, which is the word “password”.
Full-Time MBA Classes
You can add a full-time class on a space-available basis. The only FTMBA classes you cannot take, regardless of space-availability, are MBA 294’s and courses that we also offer in our program in the same semester.
To add to a full-time class, attend the first class of whatever course you are interested in when the semester begins. If you are sure it’s something you want, let us know, and we’ll add you to our master list. Every Friday of Add/Drop, we check in with the full-time program about space availability. If there is room, we’ll add you. If not, then you can try again the following week.
You can view the FTMBA course offerings here: https://ssl.haas.berkeley.edu/groups/adaa/class_schedule/cgi-bin/CourseScheduleDisplay.pl?Show=3&Semester=Spring&Year=2008
Books & ReadersFor 2nd year students, we will be distributing your textbooks during the Mid-Program Academic Retreat. For 3rd years, you can pick up your textbooks during the first week of class. If a course has a reader, you can access it through Study.Net. Keep in mind that some courses do not have readers and some readers may not be ready, so do not worry if you do not see a reader yet. Instructions on how to get to Study.net through Catalyst and how to order a hard copy of your reader can be found here: http://catalyst.haas.berkeley.edu/html/help/StudyNet/StudyNet-EWMBA.pdf
Access to materials for classes you are trying to get into:
We will allow students who remain on a waitlist for more than a week to borrow books.
To get temporary access to Catalyst and Study.Net for courses you are trying to add, go to http://catalyst.haas.berkeley.edu/html/help/StudyNet/TempAccessEWMBA.htm. Temporary access to Catalyst and Study.Net will be available starting January 14th.
ParkingFor 2nd year students, we will be distributing your parking permits during the Mid-Program Academic Retreat. For 3rd years, we'll have one of our staff or student workers by the three minute loading zone outside Haas to distribute parking before class during that first week of class.
Please note that any course transactions that have occurred since bidding and that will occur during the Add/Drop period will not be reflected until the February bill (the one you’ll receive at the end of February).
Summer Courses (Trips & Classes)
The information below is for planning purposes only. Sign-ups for international trips will occur mid-late February, and sign-ups for summer classes will occur mid March.
Summer International Trips
Finland/Russia in June 2008 (6/7 - 6/21)
South Africa in August 2008 (dates TBA)
Summer Classes
1. Two identical sections of EW237 Designing Financial Models that Work with Tasker (1 unit)
· One section will have the following Saturday dates & times:
5/31 (9AM-1PM); 6/7 (9AM-1PM); 6/14 (9AM-1PM); 6/21 (11AM-1PM)
· The other section will have the following Saturday dates & times:
5/31 (2-6PM); 6/7 (2-6PM); 6/14 (2-6PM); 6/21 (2-4PM)
· Both sections will take place at Haas.
2. One section of EW295A Entrepreneurship with Charron (3 units)
· M/W (6-9:30PM) from 6/9 to 8/6 with no class the weeks of 6/30 and 7/7
3. One section of EW299E Competitive Strategy with La Blanc (3 units)
· Saturdays (10AM-5PM) from 5/31 to 8/2 with no class on 7/5 (There are one or two other dates in that block that he might not have class, but the schedule will be finalized closer to when enrollment happens.)
· All classes will take place at Haas.
See you soon,
Siu Yung Wong
Assistant Director
Haas School of BusinessEvening & Weekend MBA Program
(510) 643-0592
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